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Archive for the ‘Playing with Food’ Category

Hummus again?!

Heavenly Sweet Potato Hummus

So sorry if you get tired of my love affair with hummus… but I heart it. I can’t help it.

As of lately, I have been intrigued by all the different wacky flavors of hummus I have been finding including; Horseradish hummus?! and Edamame hummus?! I know, nutty right? So, when I ran across a recipe for Sweet potato hummus in my Power Foods cookbook… I just HAD to try it.Because not only do I heart hummus. I heart sweet potatoes as well. What’s not to love?! They’re pretty and sweet and heavenly. It’s really a mystery to me how something so sinfully delicious could be so insanely good for me.

Check out the spud’s creds:
* good for vision & boosts immunity.  Thank you Vitamin A! You rock.
*Low in cals & high in fiber, which is great for weight loss
*Contain a boatload of other important vitamins ( B6, C, E, folate)


Combine this with some protein rich chickpeas and heart healthy olive oil… how can you go wrong?

Heavenly Sweet Potato Hummus

If you do not own food processor, I highly recommend you invest if only for the purpose of making hummus. If you love hummus even a fraction of the amount I do it will pay for itself in no time. That store hummus is expensive and not all that flavorful, if you ask me.

So, to make sweet potato hummus you will need to put into your food processor 2 large sweet potatoes that have been peeled and cooked. I cooked mine in a microwave steamer with some water for about 10 minutes.

Also add 1 can of chickpeas (drained and rinsed), 1/4 lemon juice, 1/4 C. tahini, 2 T. olive oil, 2 tsp. cumin, 1 clove of minced garlic, Salt & Pepper to taste.

Give it a whirl, adding up to 2 T. of water to reach your preferred hummus consistency. I like mine kind of thick and a little bit gritty, so I added only 1 T.

Sprinkle with some paprika before serving, and…

That’s it.

Easy, Peasy lemon squeazy (literally)


(Sweet’s claims he can’t tell a difference between this and the Roasted Red Pepper Hummus… but I think he’s crazy.)

For some more interesting variations of Hummus, check out the following recipes:

Playing with Beans

Before undergoing Kitchen Experiment #1 I have decided to play with my beans.

Have you seen these at the grocery store?

Dried Chickpeas

Bags of dried beans… worth the effort, or not? That is the question.

I have always romanticized the idea of buying some, but then I pick up the bag and read about rinsing, and sorting, and soaking, and cooking… and well, my lazy couch dweller self up beats up my romantic self, and I end up in the canned food isle with aluminum tins full of ready to eats beans instead.


This time you lose… if you need me, I’ll be in the kitchen making out with beans.

Soaking black beans and chickpeas

See you in 8-10 hours!!